Hi Lowell,
I have a question. As I may have mentioned, I have been retired for over 20 years and adopted the bucket system for my investments. Bucket 1 is in cash or short-term CDs for immediate availability, Bucket 2 is 2-5 years of availability. I have been using mostly bonds and bond funds for this bucket, and Bucket 3 is for higher-risk equity investments for the longer term (5 years or more).
My question: Do you have ITA portfolios that you would recommend for these risk categories? Thanks! Ernie
Not really. The ITA portfolios are primarily set up for individuals who have investing years ahead so all include growth ETFs such as VOO and VTI. Over the long haul, bonds and treasuries tend to lag equity investments.
The Asset Allocation portfolios are the most conservative ones tracked here at ITA. The Copernicus is the most aggressive.
My approach is to construct portfolios with an emphasis on equities (VOO) and then protect capital by using stop loss orders or Trailing Stop Loss Orders.
I missed this questions so pardon the late answer.