There are a few basic investing principles that apply regardless of what investing model is used to manage the portfolio. Save early. Take advantage of the power of compounding and get dollars working as early as possible. Don’t feel you need a large sum of money to get
The Argument for Self-Management
ITA Wealth Management is an educational blog designed to help investors of all levels learn how to manage their own portfolios. Numerous models are explained and updated each month. These models vary from the very simple to a few that are more complex. Complex is
Secure Act 2.0 IRA Charitable Annuity
Secure Act 2.0 IRA Charitable Annuity is a relative new addition to the basic IRA program. I’m providing several links for interested readers in this one-time charitable contribution of $53,000. The idea is the following. An individual is permitted to make a one-time contribution of $53,000 (will likely
Dirac Portfolio – A Look at a Mean Reversion Strategy
For investors, the choice of which system(s) to use to manage their portfolio(s) is one of the most important decisions in the portfolio construction/management process. For many years, the passive Buy-and Hold strategy, whereby we would select a diversified portfolio of assets and simply hold