If you are managing an Asset Allocation (AA) portfolio this blog is for you as I am going through the rebalancing process when managing an AA portfolio. If you are not completely sure what an AA portfolio looks like follow portfolios such as the Gauss, Millikan, Einstein, … [Read More...]
Retirement Planning Mistake #1
Mistake number one in my book is failure to save or to not follow The Golden Rule of Investing. Open up a spreadsheet and run your own calculations for the following classic comparison. As a nineteen year old you have the foresight and financial … [Read more]
Advisors Do Not Add Alpha
ITA Wealth Management is all about learning to manage your own portfolio instead of hiring a professional money manager. Here is added evidence that consultants and advisors are not adding alpha to some of the most recognized portfolios in the … [Read more]
Great Operatic Choruses
If you enjoy majestic choral work conducted by Robert Shaw, this CD is for you. Grand and Glorious: Great Operatic Choruses is one fine collection. I am partial to the Pilgrim's Chorus, Chorus of Hebrew Slaves, Prisoner's Chorus, and the selection … [Read more]
Top Twenty-Five Classical Composers
Top Classical Music Composers When I first started to make a list of of my favorite classical composers, the idea was to limit it to the Top Ten. I found that to be impossible so I expanded it to 25. Even then, several of my … [Read more]
Correlation Matrix of Critical ETFs
As requested in a comment, here is the correlation matrix of critical ETFs used in nearly all the ITA portfolios. I cut the time frame to 23 months of data so VSS and VNQI did not show up with "short-term" data errors. Identical percentages were … [Read more]
Keep It Simple
Don't be surprised if you don't know the difference between a benchmark ETF and a strategic ETF. Strategic is sometimes called "Fundamental" or "Active" and they differ from the ETFs we recommend for our ITA portfolios. To read more about the … [Read more]
Buffett vs. Steadman
For every Warren Buffet there are a hundred Charlie Steadman's in the investing world. While nearly every investor has heard of Buffett, few remember Charlie Steadman. Is there a … [Read more]
Serious Investors Benchmark Their Portfolio
Establishing an appropriate benchmark for a portfolio is essential if one is serious about investing. Avoiding portfolio bench-marking is an act of self-deception. Exactly what is the purpose of a benchmark and what are the requirements for a fair … [Read more]