5 O’clock Daily Gathering Spot.
Welcome to February. We are two days away from the mid-point of winter in the northern hemisphere. What better way to open the month than to review the Carson portfolio. Depending on your holdings in a Sector BPI portfolio, there may be a few recommendations or changes in the portfolios. Not so with the Carson as this portfolio does not hold any over-bought sector ETFs and there are no buying opportunities.
Carson Sector BPI Recommendations
The Carson holds a few shares of VOX and VPU, purchased when this new model was launched last year. Most of the holdings are either in a money market or SCHP.
This morning I updated the Bullish Percent Indicator spreadsheet and here are the results of the over-bought sectors.
- Consumer Discretionary (VCR). If you hold this ETF and the broker permits TSLOs to the nearest tenth of a percent, set the TSLO at 2.2%.
- Financials (VFH). Set the TSLO at 1.8%. Use 2% if the broker only permits TSLOs to the nearest percent.
- Industrial (VIS). Set the TSLO at 2.9%. Industrial is a new over-bought sector.
- Real Estate (VNQ). Set the TSLO at 2.3%.
If your portfolio holds any of these sectors and you already set the TSLO, then do nothing. Do not readjust the TSLO after once in place.
As for where to place cash, use the money market or SHV if seeking low volatility. SCHP provides more income, but the risk is higher.
No action is required of the Carson other than to invest the cash in either SHV or SCHP. I placed limit orders for both ETFs.
Carson Performance Data
The following data is for the past 13 months and the Carson is outperforming its benchmark, AOA as well as the S&P 500 (SPY). The following data comes from the commercial software, Investment Account Manager.
Carson Risk Ratios
While I updated the table to include February, keep in mind the data is exactly the same as January as we have no February 2023 information. From December to January the Jensen declined, likely due to a tad more risk. The Information Ratio increased so the portfolio improved with respect to the AOA benchmark and portfolio volatility.
Carson Portfolio: Creating A New Investing Model
New Carson Launched: 4 November 2022
Buying Guidelines For BPI Model Portfolios: 9 December 2022
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I see you have 1/31/2023 data from Yahoo, unfortunately this AM I can’t get any of my Kipling spreadsheets to update. Neither Yahoo or Tingo is working for me. Curious if others are having issues? hopefully this is temporary.
I just tested Yahoo and Tiingo and both are successfully downloading data. I assume any problems are temporary.
I cannot get any SS to work. I tried “fix Links” then get no data at all.
worked fine yesterday.
If you have the same problem this morning I will send you another SS. Do you have the most recent ITA file for downloading data? Harry updated that about a month to six weeks ago.
All SS uploaded data A-OK this morning using Tingo. Yahoo does not work.
I do not have the updated ITA file. Mine shows last modified date as 07/18/2019. but it’s working.
What is the upgrade, and do I need it?
Yes, you need the latest ITA file to download Yahoo data. Let me finish my work and I’ll send it to you.
I assume you have my email.
Yes. I send both files. Did you not receive anything?
Send an e-mail to itawealth.com and I will send you a Kipling and the ITA file.
I don’t know which Bob is sending this request as there are numerous Bob’s using ITA. I need first and last names.