ITA Wealth Management is all about learning to manage your own portfolio instead of hiring a professional money manager. Here is added evidence that consultants and advisors are not adding alpha to some of the most recognized portfolios in the land. Check out
Great Operatic Choruses
If you enjoy majestic choral work conducted by Robert Shaw, this CD is for you. Grand and Glorious: Great Operatic Choruses is one fine collection. I am partial to the Pilgrim’s Chorus, Chorus of Hebrew Slaves, Prisoner’s Chorus, and the selection from Carmen. Here is one
Top Twenty-Five Classical Composers
Top Classical Music Composers When I first started to make a list of of my favorite classical composers, the idea was to limit it to the Top Ten. I found that to be impossible so I expanded it to 25. Even then, several of my
Correlation Matrix of Critical ETFs
As requested in a comment, here is the correlation matrix of critical ETFs used in nearly all the ITA portfolios. I cut the time frame to 23 months of data so VSS and VNQI did not show up with “short-term” data errors. Identical percentages were assigned to each ETF with
Keep It Simple
Don’t be surprised if you don’t know the difference between a benchmark ETF and a strategic ETF. Strategic is sometimes called “Fundamental” or “Active” and they differ from the ETFs we recommend for our ITA portfolios. To read more about the differences, check out the URL referenced below. Richard Ferri
Buffett vs. Steadman
For every Warren Buffet there are a hundred Charlie Steadman’s in the investing world. While nearly every investor has heard of Buffett, few remember Charlie Steadman. Is there a
Serious Investors Benchmark Their Portfolio
Establishing an appropriate benchmark for a portfolio is essential if one is serious about investing. Avoiding portfolio bench-marking is an act of self-deception. Exactly what is the purpose of a benchmark and what are the requirements for a fair and reasonable benchmark. Here is one definition of bench-marking. In
Reviewing The Fundamentals of Investing
Search this blog site for “The Golden Rule of Investing” and you will pick up the basic ideas of Rule #1 of Investing. The Golden Rule of Investing is – “Save as much as you can as early as you can.” Burton Malkiel puts it this way. “The amount
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