Since there are no significant changes and there are no Buy recommendations, I'll not post a BPI blog this morning.
If you hold any of the following I recommend placing Trailing Stop Loss Orders (TSLOs). The ETFs in the over-bought zone are: VCR, VFH, VHT, VIS, VAW, and VGT.
VFH and VIS are above 80% bullish so I would place 2% TSLOs under these two ETFs if they are in the portfolio. Use a 3% TSLO for the other ETFs.
The Carson currently does not hold any of these over-bought sector ETFs so no changes are planned for the coming week. As mentioned when I recently launched the Carson, this portfolio requires lots of patience as the sector ETFs will spend most of their time ranging from 30% bullish up to 70% bullish or what one might call the neutral zone.