Have you ever created a photograph when you knew in advance it was highly likely it would end in a failure. Such was the case yesterday when we were at the Dee Wright Observatory located just west of Sisters, Oregon. Not only was I faced with a dark foreground, the background was blown out even to the naked eye. The contrast in light was further hampered by all the smoke from fires in the west.
Original Image
The photo below is not far off what I was able to see with no optical help. The lava rock was darker, but Mt. Washington in the distance was not at all sharp. Fires in Southern Oregon and Northern California are causing pollution and lowering viability. As all photographers learn – “Use the light available.”
The Dee Wright Observatory is located in the middle of lava fields that spans the distance from the North Sister all the way to Mt. Washington.
Enhanced Image
By reducing highlights and increasing the shadows I was able to restore what I thought would be a wasted effort. I used the dehaze filter to great effect. At this elevation the sky is normally a deeper blue. Smoke is a master at scattering light.
I think the peak just to the right of Mt. Washington is Three Fingered Jack.
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I thought I subscribed to a financial assistant program and not a photo taking contest.
The photo material is only supplemental. I am still writing the same amount of investment material. Look for some this weekend.
I love the photos and miss the music recommendations. Keep up the good work.
I included a few music recommendations in the latest blog post. Hope you continue to enjoy the photographs.