If you are managing an Asset Allocation (AA) portfolio this blog is for you as I am going through the rebalancing process when managing an AA portfolio. If you are not completely sure what an AA portfolio looks like follow portfolios such as the Gauss, Millikan, Einstein, … [Read More...]
Nine Stock Portfolio
This is the final tranche momentum analysis for stocks today. This nine stock portfolio was suggested by one of the co-authors of the TLH Spreadsheet. Tranche Momentum Recommendations: The two stocks to sell out of the portfolio are NVO and TSS … [Read more]
Stocks: Another Tranche Momentum Look
Here is a second list of individual stocks. Only two show up as potential purchases. Tranche Momentum Recommendations: The recent market downturn hit most of these stocks. Only two, MU and NVDA, are ones I would consider for purchase. Just … [Read more]
Dividend Champions: A Tranche Momentum Analysis
Not all ITA Wealth Management readers use ETFs to build their portfolios. There are readers who have an interest in dividend oriented individual stocks. The following analysis walks investors through a group of stocks I pulled off a Seeking Alpha … [Read more]
The Importance of Algorithms
Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one. - Voltaire I'm a fan of books written by Michael Lewis. A few that stand out are: Liar's Poker, Moneyball, The Big Short, and Flash Boys. Lewis' latest work, The Undoing Project, … [Read more]
Broad Market Conditions: Pay Attention
Nearly a year ago I wrote an article (Over-Valued Market: Four Critical Indicators) on the over-bought conditions of the market. Yet here we are today facing an even higher market. Here is current data on the four indicators discussed on the … [Read more]
What Is On The Other Side Of The 3 x 5 Card?
What is on the other side of the 3 x 5 investment card that you can make use of as an investor? To capitalize on this information, go back and read the basics found on the 3 x 5 card. The links to these two blogs provide overall … [Read more]
Sector Investing: A Simple Approach
Occasionally, I'll encounter an ITA reader who is interested in constructing a portfolio around sectors. Those who have read Gary Antonacci's book, Dual Momentum Investing may recall him stating the following. "My favorite dual momentum strategy is … [Read more]
Investing 101
Beginning Investors It is not unusual to read or hear someone say - "I don't understand what you are talking about." When I pick up on these writings or statements I know it is about time to go back to a 100 level course and lay out some basic … [Read more]
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