Bethe is a rather new Asset Allocation portfolio and as such has a long way to go before the various asset classes are in balance. Asset classes that are far above their target percentages are for sale while lower volatility asset
Bethe Portfolio Review: 4 February 2025
With chaos emerging from the “Dunning-Kruger Administration” every day, what should investors be doing with their retirement accounts? A reasonable question. If you are young and are taking the long view, root for the market to decline so you can purchase shares at lower prices.
Bethe Sector BPI Portfolio Review: 6 November 2023
After spending the past few weeks repositioning several portfolios, Bethe being one, security transactions should decrease over the next few months. A strong stock market last week pushed several sectors out of the oversold zone leaving only Staples and Materials as the remaining Buy
Bethe Portfolio Review: 27 June 2023
The following Bethe update is not so much where the portfolio is currently. Rather, it is the direction the portfolio is moving in the future. Currently, the Bethe holds a high percentage of the portfolio in income generating CEFs. While I have many limit orders in
Bethe Portfolio Review: 30 May 2023
Before getting into the review of the Bethe portfolio the photo above reminds me of when Memorial Day was referred to as Decoration Day. This was a day to decorate graves, particularly of fallen war soldiers. Small towns celebrated the day with a parade that included the high school band, decorated bicycles, tractors, fire engines, […]