As bees are drawn to honey, there is little not to attract investors to the Copernicus portfolio. It is easy to manage and performance is outstanding. The one reservation I have is that there is no downside protection as this is a buy and
Copernicus Portfolio Review: 11 July 2023
Now that we are well into July and all second quarter dividends are reported, it is time to update the ITA portfolios and record those dividends. Dividends are in short supply for the Copernicus as this is a growth oriented portfolio, not an income generator. As a
Copernicus Portfolio Update: 28 June 2023
After updating a few lackluster portfolios, it is refreshing to review a strong yet simple portfolio. Other than the Schrodinger where the owner does noting but save, the Copernicus comes in a close second for simplicity. Copernicus Investment Quiver and Holdings Below
Copernicus Portfolio Review: 7 June 2023
Portfolios fall into two major categories, actively managed or passively managed. The Copernicus portfolio is of the latter variety as the plan is to invest only in U.S. Equities. Only add or purchase Exchanged Traded Funds (ETFs) and only sell in an emergency. Over the past 17 months
Copernicus Buy & Hold Portfolio Review: 18 May 2023
Copernicus is the only Buy & Hold portfolio managed here on the ITA blog site. Diversification comes from holding hundreds of companies in the United States. If one prefers to further diversify this portfolio one would add International Equities (VEU) to the options
Copernicus Portfolio Review: 3 May 2023
Based on yesterday’s market decline, today seemed like a good time to check in on the Copernicus as this portfolio is constructed only of U.S. Equities. The philosophy behind the Copernicus is to save and invest. Never sell unless there is an emergency. How
Copernicus Portfolio Review: 6 April 2023
Copernicus is the passively managed portfolio up for review this morning. This portfolio is easy to manage and update and it happens to be one of the more successful portfolios tracked here at ITA. As readers will
Copernicus Portfolio Review: 27 January 2023
Investors looking for simplicity need look no further than the Copernicus model. All that is required is the discipline to save and invest in U.S. Equities. It is simple as that. The Copernicus is definitely a model for young investors who do not have time to spend working