Arches National Park – Utah.
ITA readers who are using the Kipling spreadsheet in any form are aware that Finance-Yahoo (Yahoo) once more altered their downloading codes so we cannot pull security prices into the spreadsheet. Fortunately we have a backup system from Tiingo. If you do not have a Tiingo account (still free to my knowledge) set one up and use it to download stock prices.
Suppose Tiingo goes on the fritz and we are left in the dark price wise. This is akin to owning a restaurant and the chef walks off the job. Where do we go if this were to happen? I’ve given this considerable thought as Yahoo has thrown us this type of knuckle-spitter-screwball before.
1. This change has no impact on the Schrodinger portfolio as it is totally managed by computer at Schwab. So long as the commercial software Investment Account Manager (IAM) is operational, I can keep tabs on the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The impact would come from not being able to report on the Risk Ratios as that data requires information such as the portfolio beta. The Kipling generates portfolio beta as well as the Information Ratio and Sortino Ratio. If Tiingo goes down, so does some of the portfolio information I find useful.
2. Portfolios such as the Einstein, Gauss, Kepler, and Millikan would need to change dramatically as all are totally dependent on the Kipling spreadsheet.
3. The Copernicus would function as is. All I need is the IAM software as I only invest in U.S. Equities with this portfolio.
4. The income portfolios such as the Huygens would not suffer all that much as I can gain access to Closed-End-Fund data from CEF Connect.
5. Dual Momentum portfolios would be impacted as they depend entirely on the Kipling.
6. Bethe and Bohr would need to change as these growth-income portfolio rely on decisions that emerge from the Kipling.
7. This leaves the BPI Model portfolios. So long as Stock-Charts generates PnF data, I think the Carson and Franklin would not need to change. Granted, they too would be missing critical data used to monitor portfolio risk.
The above hazards exist when one is dependent on others for critical information. We have been fortunate to have free access to stock, bond, and ETF prices for many years.
Were Tiingo to fail, I would most likely reduce the investing models to these portfolios styles as identified by math and science giants; Schrodinger, Copernicus, Carson, Franklin, and Huygens. I would likely scrap the Dual Momentum and Relative Strength models.
Comments and Questions are welcome.
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Tingo is working for me today with yesterday prices. Yahoo occasionally had intraday prices which was nice but not critical. Do we know why Yahoo changed our access? I also use Morningstar to monitor my account at Fidelity. Unfortunately, there is an annual fee to get all their goodies. They do have some interesting tools.
I have no idea why Yahoo changes the codes from time to time. It sure creates problems. I too have been downloading data using Tiingo.
Fyi, python code “ yfinance “ is still working to retrieve data. The problem may be isolated to Vb.
Good to know. Since I am running multiple Kipling spreadsheets it creates problems as it is not a case of changing just a single SS. Now that I have over a year of Risk Ratios built for each portfolio, I don’t want to easily give up on that material.
It is no fun relying on outside sources over which one has no control.
I believe the ITA add-in uses the SMF-Add In to retrieve stock price data from Yahoo. There are reports on the Google group for the SMF -Add In that the retrieval of Yahoo stock price data has stopped working. Let’s hope the developer of the SMF-Add In will be able to make his add-In work again.
I having been using a freeware program called Yloader to download stock price data from Yahoo. It is working as of 12/21/2022. Perhaps the ITA Add In can be modified to use Yloader as means to acquire Yahoo data.
In the meantime I will check out Tingo.
Excuse the late reply. Your Comment ended up in Trash and I missed it – until now.
Harry – I hope you see this comment from James Morlock.
No worries Lowell, My junk mail folder gets me all the time.
There is a new post on the google groups website for the SMF Add-In that the developer, Randy Harmelick, has passed away.
The post reads:” Sad news…Unfortunately, Randy has passed away earlier this year, his health had been declining for quite some time. Nothing had been arranged for the on-going support of this tool that he authored. Hopefully, the community can rally together and provide support amongst yourselves. The groups, blogs, and home page will continue to be retained.
Best wishes,
Estate of Randy Harmelink”
Randy was a talented technician who was most generous in publicly sharing the Excel add-in that he created without any financial benefit to him. He had worked as an IT developer for an actuarial firm and seemed to enjoy providing free technical support for his Add-In by answering countless user questions about it throughout the years. Randy wanted his tool to be used for ad-hoc web queries and was concerned that his tool not be used to overload or take advantage of websites that are generous in sharing their data for free.
When users asked if they could make a donation to help financially support the Add-In, Randy’s replay was that users could make a contribution to a charity of their choice. Lets hope there are others as gifted and generous as Randy who can extend the useful life of the SMF Add-In.
To top off the Yahoo problem, we might end up with as much as 0.75 inches of ice. If this happens, we are almost sure to loose electrical energy. Tomorrow and Friday will certainly test the grid in the Portland area.
Lowell, can you point me to instructions on how to incorporate Tiingo into the Kipling? Thanks, Steve
Go to this site to set up a Tiingo account.
In the Kipling, and I can send you a new file on request, you should see Tiingo options to the right of the Yahoo.
It is likely best, if you do not see Tiingo options on your Kipling, for me to send you a current version I am using. What file(s) (math or science name) are of interest?
I am using Kepler and McClintock. Thanks!!
You should have both spreadsheets.
I signed up for Tingo, but my spreadsheet has a Tingo error. API key must be added to Tingo.txt add-on. Please advise on the steps for said procedure. Thank you. Todd
See if this helps.
How to Get a YouTube API Key
Log in to Google Developers Console.
Create a new project.
On the new project dashboard, click Explore & Enable APIs.
In the library, navigate to YouTube Data API v3 under YouTube APIs.
Enable the API.
Create a credential.
A screen will appear with the API key.
It has been many months since I worked with API keys. I have one for my blog, but I don’t recall setting one up with Tiingo. That may be something new or I completely forgot I set one up.
I suggest using Google to go about finding a key and how Tiingo wants you to install it.