As one of several Asset Allocation portfolios, the Huygens is beginning to meet all the percentage requirements. There are still a few asset classes that are oversubscribed or above the recommended percentage due to holdovers from the prior investing model. VB and
Huygens Asset Allocation Portfolio Review: 13 September 2024
In an earlier post this morning I mentioned Huygens as a serious contender to be included as one of the investing models for the family portfolio. The Huygens, and several other portfolios I track here at ITA, were recently converted from other models to this very traditional Asset Allocation model.
Huygens Asset Allocation Portfolio Update: 30 May 2024
Huygens is one of three portfolio operating under the Asset Allocation investing model. The other two are the Pauling and Schrodinger. The Schrodinger is slightly different in that computers are used to manage the allocations. Only recently did I move the Huygens to the Asset Allocation model so we need
Huygens Sector BPI Portfolio Review: 24 November 2023
Sector BPI portfolios have entered a quite period as all sectors with exception of Technology reside in the “neutral” zone. Neutral is defined as Bullish Percent Indicators (BPI) lower then 70% bullish and above 30% bullish. The Huygens portfolio differs only in that it is carrying a
Huygens Portfolio Review: 9 February 2023
As one of three income oriented portfolios, the Huygens turned in an excellent January with a gain in excess of 11.0%. I don’t anticipate this increase will continue. This review or update will show a few necessary changes as two Closed-End-Funds (CEFs) are not meeting
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