Pauling is one of numerous Asset Allocation (AA) portfolios. I moved several portfolios over to this model due to the outstanding performance of the Schrodinger, a computer managed AA portfolio. I am also returning to the root of my investing instincts. As a summary, here are the basic
Pauling Asset Allocation Portfolio Review: 29 May 2024
Pauling is a recent Asset Allocation portfolio as performance has been a disappointment. Thus the change. If this Asset Allocation model does not show improvement over the next few months I’ll recommend shifting this portfolio to a Schwab Intelligent Portfolio or a model similar to the Schrodinger. The
Reworking Pauling Portfolio: 20 November 2023
Based on discussions found in the Comment section of the most recent BPI blog post, below is an investment quiver that may be the future of the Sector BPI Plus portfolios. What I’ve done is to add eleven sector ETFs where these new eleven are equal-weight