Sector BPI portfolios have entered a quite period as all sectors with exception of Technology reside in the “neutral” zone. Neutral is defined as Bullish Percent Indicators (BPI) lower then 70% bullish and above 30% bullish. The Huygens portfolio differs only in that it is carrying a
Sector BPI Investing: Bohr Portfolio Review – 22 November 2023
Bohr is the Sector BPI portfolio scheduled for review this morning. Before making any decisions or moving forward with this update of the Bohr, I checked the Bullish Percent Indicators (BPI) for the eleven market sectors and found no changes. Technology is still overbought and that is the
Tweaking Sector BPI Plus Investing Model: Part II
Sufficient additions or modifications have occurred since launching the original Sector BPI investment model that it now makes sense to summarize how one manages these portfolios. Here is the step by step process I go through when I review or update a Sector BPI
Improving the Sector BPI Investing Model
This Hubble image gives the most detailed view of the entire Crab Nebula ever. The Crab is among the most interesting and well studied objects in astronomy. This image is the largest image ever taken with Hubble’s WFPC2 camera. It was assembled from 24 individual exposures taken with the NASA/ESA
Bethe Sector BPI Portfolio Review: 6 November 2023
After spending the past few weeks repositioning several portfolios, Bethe being one, security transactions should decrease over the next few months. A strong stock market last week pushed several sectors out of the oversold zone leaving only Staples and Materials as the remaining Buy
Franklin Sector BPI Portfolio Review: 2 October 2023
Several Sector BPI Plus portfolios are scheduled for review this week. Franklin is the first. I checked the BPI data this morning and it is too early for any Monday data to show up. I expected to see the market move up based on the U.S. Government
Carson Sector BPI Portfolio Review: 26 September 2023
Before updating the Carson I checked to see if any new Bullish Percent Indicator (BPI) revelations emerged since the last update. No changes showed as Discretionary, Staples and Health remain in the oversold zone. As the oldest Sector BPI Plus portfolio it always
Millikan Sector BPI Plus Portfolio Review: 8 September 2023
Millikan is another Sector BPI Plus portfolio that is meeting expectations. If you are a new reader, check past blog posts on the Sector BPI investing model or keep reading the Sector BPI portfolio reviews that show up nearly every week. We use Bullish Percent
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