Six months ago I altered the Pauling portfolio investing model. It now operates using the principles of Asset Allocation. When moving from one investing style to the Asset Allocation it takes time to bring the various asset classes into balance if one does not want to sell securities that are
Huygens Asset Allocation Portfolio Review: 26 September 2024
As one of several Asset Allocation portfolios, the Huygens is beginning to meet all the percentage requirements. There are still a few asset classes that are oversubscribed or above the recommended percentage due to holdovers from the prior investing model. VB and
Huygens Asset Allocation Portfolio Review: 13 September 2024
In an earlier post this morning I mentioned Huygens as a serious contender to be included as one of the investing models for the family portfolio. The Huygens, and several other portfolios I track here at ITA, were recently converted from other models to this very traditional Asset Allocation model.
Pauling Asset Allocation Portfolio: 29 August 2024
Pauling is one of numerous Asset Allocation (AA) portfolios. I moved several portfolios over to this model due to the outstanding performance of the Schrodinger, a computer managed AA portfolio. I am also returning to the root of my investing instincts. As a summary, here are the basic
Schrodinger Portfolio Review: 26 August 2024
Schrodinger is the lone Robo Advisor portfolio or what Schwab calls, an Intelligent Portfolio. In this review I will go over the current holdings, performance data, and risks involved. ITA readers know that I advocate both security diversification as well as portfolio diversification. In my opinion, every
Schrodinger Intelligent Portfolio Review: 25 July 2024
This morning the easiest portfolio to manage is up for review. Updating the Schrodinger, a Robo Advisor portfolio, is trivial as no buy-hold-sell decisions are required as this is all done by computer algorithms. The Schrodinger was set up seven years ago to answer the
Schrodinger Intelligent Portfolio Update: 28 June 2024
Saturday is not a normal day for me to update a portfolio as I prefer to buy and sell securities, if the analysis calls for a change, when the market is open. That is not the case with the Schrodinger as I don’t make the management decisions.
Pauling Asset Allocation Portfolio Review: 29 May 2024
Pauling is a recent Asset Allocation portfolio as performance has been a disappointment. Thus the change. If this Asset Allocation model does not show improvement over the next few months I’ll recommend shifting this portfolio to a Schwab Intelligent Portfolio or a model similar to the Schrodinger. The
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